blog maintenance
So, we have essentially completed the long-extended transition from Blogger to Wordpress. Regular readers over the past few months know that this transition has not gone particularly well. In particular,.
Due to recurrent server issues, we have decided to shift providers. The transition will not involve any visual change to the site, or any change in address. However, service may.
I have just learned that our main RSS feed ceased to update on Friday. If you read the site through RSS you're probably not getting this, but nevertheless be patient...
Our ongoing series of maintenance fixes: 1. The white background is dead. If you're still seeing white, then you have either a vision or a cache issue. 2. Still working.
As you may have noticed, we have been unable to migrate our older archives to the new site. Accordingly, I have restored the old site as an archive, and ended.
Because a webpage isn't even really a webpage if there isn't a webpage about the webpage... Includes actual new content!
Due to popular request, JS-Kit's relationship with Lawyers, Guns and Money has been terminated. I hope you people are happy now...
Obviously, we haven't fully completed the transfer yet. Nevertheless, feel free to use this thread to indicate problems, comment on preferences, etc.