Does anyone know of any good work on competition/conflict between the Army and the Navy in either the Civil War or the Spanish-American War? Most of the extant work on.
Question: Why does this video evoke what I can only describe as a feeling of moral disgust? The last few seconds are just horrible; I was thinking "Just. Kill. It..
Each spring, I have to teach an introductory, interdisciplinary social science course with the banal title, "Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences." In years past, we've spent most of our time reading a selection of journal articles from the various disciplines in my program...
Anybody read T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom? I haven't, but I'm assigning it next term; if you have any thoughts re: boiling down the 700 or so pages down.
Not to be mysterious and alarming or anything, but if any of our readers know of a place in Tel Aviv that could be rented for cheap for the month.
Anyone know any good academic/policy oriented articles on Spanish security policy? Or, really, anything at all about Spanish security policy?