Let’s discuss Lawyers, Guns & Money, whose remarkable blog turns fifteen (15!) this weekend. Now look folks: I'm the new girl and while my day-to-day trade is education and public.
Happy 70th, Neil. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to come up with an excuse for posting that.
Roger Eugene Ailes, president at the odious Fox News Network, was born 69 years ago today in Warren, Ohio. (In a remarkable convergence of douchebaggery, Warren would also host the.
One of few humans to become less coherent with the acquisition of language, the anthropological marvel known as "Camille Paglia" has spent most of the past six decades being paid.

Talk-show host and Incredibly Strange Man Glenn Beck turns 45 today. A former substance abuser and sufferer from adult-onset Mormonism, Beck vaulted into media prominence from the back of Terri.
Few actors on the fringes of American politics have been so consistently insane as David Joel Horowitz, who commences his eighth decade of douchebaggery today.Like the itinerant street prophets who.
Michael Alan Weiner -- otherwise known as Michael Savage -- was born 66 years ago today. If Savage had been alive during the early 20th century, he would almost certainly.
Doughy Pantload gobbled some cake today. He did so in a very serious, unprecedented way. Rather than try to summarize the life and work of a man who's given the.