Everybody's having a lot of fun with the various rumors about the internal conflicts in the McCain campaign, and the efforts by McCain and Palin staffers to blame each other for defeat. Particularly hilarious is the following threat by Erick Erickson:RedState is pleased to announce...
Bill Kristol: Hack
Bill Kristol continues to push Sarah Palin, and hints at his own responsibility for the pick. It's columns like this that make me wonder whether there'll be a reckoning in.
My guess would be . . . Munich, 1938!What do I win?BTW it would be difficult to top this phrase for some sort of Neo-Con Unselfconscious Irony Award: "Fanatics aren’t.
I just want everyone to know that I will happily produce poorly written neoconservative boilerplate for the low, low price of $3 a word.
So as many folks are probably aware, Kristol launched his Times gig by misattributing a Michael Medved quotation to "the conservative writer Michelle Malkin" -- a phrase that makes, in.
The general absurdity and delusion aside (how could anyone ever have expected something different from a cog so deeply enmeshed in the GOP/think tank machine; moreover, should Kristol be celebrating.
Bill Kristol's got his first column up in the Times today. And he comes out swinging. His column's main point: Huckabee might be the best nominee the GOP has to offer. It's a doozy. Here's a preview of his twisted world-view:But gratitude for sparing us...