bill clinton
Bill Clinton decided to use John Lewis' funeral to take a shot at Stokely Carmichael. The last thing we need is whites to use such opportunities to tell histories of.
Greetings from Toronto Pierson (correction: Pearson) airport! I just read Erik's take on Ted Kennedy, which is overall nicely balanced but also a bit incomplete. Erik significantly understates Kennedy's pivotal.
Remember when Bill Clinton thought it was a good idea to write laudatory letters to the Daughters of the Confederacy? That was in the long ago epoch of 1994. And.
Hope you all aren't too torn up by the demise of Richard Mellon Scaife. Hard to lose such a good and kindly citizen. Also: Richard Mellon Scaife died on July.
This Frank Rich article on liberal hypocrisy and gay history really annoyed me. Not that Rich is wrong--liberals have not supported gay rights until very recently. But, well, duh? Is.
A couple quibbles with Matt here: I think this is a mistake. An enormous amount of significant legislation passed in Lyndon Johnson’s second term. As I wrote yesterday, the 1950.
I have a short column up at Guardian:CIF on the Clinton to North Korea visit.
I'm the one with the tight sweater...More on what was discussed at TAPPED, and from Samhita, Emily Douglas, Chris Bowers, and Lindsay. Amanda Terkel has a transcript.