big shitpile
Earlier today, Brad Delong observed:At the moment "Fear of Reese Witherspoon Look-Alikes on the Pill" has 116 comments, while "The Geithner Plan FAQ" has only 89 comments. I confess this.
Wow.The clients who trusted Bernard L. Madoff still do not know exactly what he did with their money. But they know what he did not do with it: He did.
This is a pretty remarkable story about Washington Mutual, though most of its particulars -- amphetamine-snorting mortgage supervisors aside -- won't be news to anyone who's ever listened to "The Giant Pool of Money" episode of This American Life. During Mr. [Kerry] Killinger’s tenure, WaMu...
This article is kind of fabulous, in the sense that it clearly lays out the connection between a lax attitude towards regulation and the production of bad loans:Simeon Ferguson, an.
I agree that as long as the plan that passes is acceptable, the fact that Republicans will run against Dems for passing it isn't a big deal. (Just as they.
Look, if Republicans want to go to the mat for executives who think that they deserve multi-million dollar payouts for running venerable, profitable companies completely into the ground -- "It's the unassailable product of the Free Market! Now how about that $700 billion in taxpayer...