big media
On Sunday, Shakezula wrote about the gunman who showed up at Comet Pizza to 'investigate' its possible involvement "in a child trafficking ring run by Clinton." Well, something interesting happened on.
The good news is that the web is awash in reports that Hosni Mubarak has fled Egypt. (Update: Mubarak is currently on TV claiming he's not going anywhere). The bad.
I think it's a positive sign that the WSJ published this.On a related note, in the last two days fighter jets have been scrambled twice to "accompany" flights on which.
I’m quite sure I could beat LeBron James in a game of one on one basketball. The game merely needs to feature two special rules: It lasts until I score,.
So, I'm trying to find out something about what's going on in Iran, and on CNN I can watch a rerun of Larry King interviewing several gentlemen without shirtsleeves who.
COURIC: Do you think there's an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution?PALIN: I do. Yeah, I do.COURIC: That's the cornerstone of Roe v WadePALIN: I do. And I believe.
Apparently, Dr. Laura Schlesinger just couldn't resist the chance to woman-bash. When she appeared on the Today Show this morning to discuss the Spitzer Scandal (TM), she had this to.