Biden foreign policy
I find it difficult to name a single defining characteristic of the Trump presidency. It was, after all, a nonstop parade of terrible. If pressed to choose, though, I'd probably.
On Wednesday, I participated in a Quincy Institute virtual roundtable on "The Summit for Democracy" It was a bit odd. I'm pretty sure that I was supposed to play "liberal.
Biden's lack of movement on Cuba, basically leaving things as they were under Trump, is absolutely 100% unacceptable and I am pretty disgusted by it. When the administrations of Barack.
The kind of immigration policy theater Kamala Harris engaged in on her trip to Guatemala was pretty disgusting. The American VP going to Guatemala and telling Guatemalans to stay out.

A Chinese Su-27 Flanker fighter makes a fly by while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Peter Pace, visits with members of the Chinese Air Force.
My forthcoming edited volume, which is relevant to, but not directly discussed in, this post. Sometimes the best way to compete is... not to bother. As Alex Cooley and I.
Source: The White House from Washington, DC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons At least, that's the conclusion of an interesting piece in Bloomberg News. The deficit did fall year-on-year in.
The Senate overrode Trump's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act earlier today, by an 81-13 vote. Most of the chatter about the bill has focused on its provision to.