It should be noted again that 1)DSK's factual innocence has been established about as clearly as Casey Anthony's, and 2)whether or not DSK can be prosecuted the arguments that BHL has offered on behalf of his innocence have been staggeringly idiotic.
Shorter BHL: "Nobody will stop me from defending Dominique Strauss-Kahn against the many conveniently uncited people who believe that he should be convicted without a trial or due process protections..
Scocca on BHL: [I]f your goal is to push back against the tide of public opinion condemning your friend as an arrogant, hopelessly entitled sexual predator, it's maybe not wise.
Some more on the preeminent philosopher of rape apologia and feudal conceptions of justice: Welch. Sicha. Sully. Filipovic. Melissa Bell.
He's a twelfth-rate "intellectual," but he's certainly a world-class asshole. Note in particular the contrast between these two arguments: I am troubled by a system of justice modestly termed “accusatory,”.