Pierre Celis, who died yesterday, is something of a legend in the beer world. The basic story is that he unilaterally resurrected the style of Belgian Witbier back in the mid 1960s, eventually sold out, and recreated the brewery in Austin, Texas, in the early...
In addition to declaring the month of March Irish American Heritage Month (because we didn't have enough positive attention?He needed to solidify the Irish Catholic vote?), Obama is to serve.
According to The Guardian, "managers" hired by universities in the UK have increased a modest 33% in the last five years. Academic staff have increased by 10% in that time.
As several of our august LGM colleagues are attending some high-falutin International Relations junket in New Orleans (as well as one of my colleagues from my department here at Plymouth), I figured I'd lighten the mood a bit with a post on . . ....