This is one hell of an accomplishment. H/t to Joseph M.
The Dantons were the last pre-dreadnoughts constructed by the French Navy. They were also the only pre-dreadnoughts to employ turbines, and as far as I know the only 20th century.
I am remiss in noting the passing last month of Ted Briggs. Briggs was the last of the three survivors of the destruction of HMS Hood at the Battle of.
The Iowa class battleships (Wisconsin, New Jersey, Iowa, and Missouri) have a chance to go as a bloc this year. This has happened more often than you'd expect; all four.
Time to reactivate Iowa and Wisconsin!!!!1!!!!1!
Have received this from several correspondents:No match for this, of course.They don't make 'em like they used to.
In 1861, HMS Warrior set the state of the art in Line of Battle Ship, combining steam engines, advanced guns, and an iron hull, she was substantially superior to her.
Jurgen Rohwer and Mikhail Monakov wrote Stalin's Ocean-Going Fleet in 2001, after the opening of Soviet archives had let considerable light onto Soviet Navy doctrinal and procurement decisions during the.