I am highly skeptical of the real motives here, but I am glad Wal-Mart is publicly calling for improved worker safety in Bangladesh. That said, it's pretty clear that a).
There's no question that one lesson from the fertilizer explosion in West, Texas is that we need much harsher fines and criminal statutes against corporations when workers die, as well.
M.T. Anderson has an excellent essay placing the tragedy in Bangladesh, now with over 400 dead, into its proper historical context Again and again we see the same pattern, which.
Turns out that Bangladeshi workers do make choices for themselves outside of theoretical "choices" about working dangerous jobs. In fact, they choose to engage in massive protests after over 250.
We don't hear too many stories anymore like last week's fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas, where the death toll has now risen to 15. This is because we have.
Within American labor history, the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire is a touchstone moment. That tragedy led directly to a spate of workplace safety laws and building regulations. In the longer term,.