Now that the last combat veterans of World War I have passed, I'm ok with Veterans Day. Thanks to all those who have served.
armistice day
I will come to a time in my backwards trip when November eleventh, accidentally my birthday, was a sacred day called Armistice Day. When I was a boy, and when.
There are now only three survivors of the Great War; this may be the very last Armistice Day to honor actual veterans of the conflict. It will be, I think,.
They ask me where I've been,And what I've done and seen.But what can I replyWho know it wasn't I,But someone just like me,Who went across the seaAnd with my head and handsKilled men in foreign lands...Though I must bear the blame,Because he bore my name.Wilfred...
The Great War ended 89 years ago today; I continue to prefer concrete remembrance of that war to the abstraction that is Veterans Day. Depending on how you count, there.