Ann Althouse
I've decided to get out of the academia game while the going's so abysmal there's a chance that hope might peak behind a horizon, and like many a former liberal.
Dear Ann, Thanks for the link! And Meade, it's been great! UPDATE [By SL]: As for the idea that it's "small" to want to not want trolls distracting discussion in.
As Hendrick Hertzberg points out, for people like Althouse the only significant form of racism left in America appears to be the racism of liberals who patronize black people (by.
Ann Althouse wishes to emphasize that, while Glenn Reynolds based his assumption that Amy Bishop is a left-wing radical on a single RateMyProfessor comment, her own evidence is absolutely airtight:LGM.
The box of wine showed up on her doorstep earlier than usual today, and Ann Althouse is already coughing up her soul to Maureen Dowd:But, really, the complaints you hear.
Thers explains.
Well at least we know she was also vapid 30 years ago:I was all set to vote for Jimmy Carter in 1976. I'd voted for Carter in the New York.
If you didn't read Molly Ivors' latest deconstruction of Maureen Dowd -- which appears to be part of a much-needed if unintended series -- you owe yourself the pleasure. (It.