American West
I know the law job market is horrible, but I always felt that going into water law in the West was a pretty much limitless market, given the brutal battles.
What would happen if the dreams of Cliven Bundy and his clan came true and the federal government sold off all its public lands in the West to the highest.
This is a really outstanding investigation into how California and thus federal water politics work. That agribusiness would create a Latino front group with the message that not delivering more.
Did everyone enjoy wearing shorts and t-shirts in the Northeast on Christmas Eve yesterday? Yeah, that's just great. Of course, such freakish temperatures are not entirely about climate change--El Niño.
The most important part of Scalia's dissent is when he defines California as not part of the West. Because San Francisco and Hollywood no doubt. This is like an even.
That collecting rainwater on your own property in barrels remains illegal in Colorado is a great entry point into the complex and extraordinarily contentious water politics of the West, where.
Richard Maxwell Brown, the nation's preeminent historian of violence, former president of the Western History Association, and my undergraduate honors' thesis advisor, died in September, seemingly without other historians knowing..
The Rio Grande, May 2003 Nothing drives comments like discussions of water use in the West, so let's go down that path once more so I can link to this.