An unfortunate aspect of the nature of politics is that principled opposition to disastrous and/or immoral policies tends to either disappear or at least lose much of its intensity when such policies are adopted by politicians one supports.Certainly over the last year we've seen this...
American warfare
Two QOTDs:Jacob Levy:A Veteran's/ Armistice/ Remembrance Day observed on November 11 in particular shouldn't just mean a gauzy and somber honoring of live veterans and fallen soldiers. It should be.
This seems kind of interesting. I think that #7 is particularly important, and that some of the rest are actually subsets of the "must protect our women and children" construction.
Balko has a poll. Inferring from his comments that we're judging wars in retrospect, I get five (Balko's three plus the Civil War and the first Gulf War.) A couple of these would be more problematic at the time, especially the Civil War. (Evaluating the...