air travel

Hard to see what could go wrong with the next target of Republican privatization schemes: The Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act is intended to prevent an interruption in.
Ahem.A Jewish teen trying to pray on a New York-to-Kentucky flight caused a scare when he pulled out a set of small black boxes containing holy scrolls, leading the captain.
Briefly, regarding the Detroit-Failure-to-Explode-Thing:The successful destruction of Flight 253 might not have threatened American power, or the material foundation of American life, but it certainly would have sucked; any plausible.
Quick question: Did the news that a Dutchman was the first to tackle Shoebomber #2 remind anyone of how, in United 93, the appeasement-minded coward was clearly European? Me neither.
While I'm flying on a NW A-320 tomorrow from the west coast to, presumably, MSP, I now know who will not be piloting the aircraft.And to think, just the other.
While crossing the Atlantic, I had time to pore over the most recent Economist, time that has been precious in other, more dynamic settings. I came across Norm Stamper's letter.
Check it out. The plane crashes about two minutes in.
Apparently a plane just crashed into the Hudson. Word is that all of the passengers survived, which is a pleasant surprise given that it's currently ridiculously cold in NYC....via ID,.