Via Chet, this is kind of eery/scary.
BruceR, responding to a question about Afghan army training from Matt Yglesias:Building anew is harder than renovating. In Afghanistan as in Iraq we really are doing our best to junk.
Ralph Peters is a lunatic, even by the standards of Fox News.
It appears that the UK MoD rejected several opportunities to shore up its helicopter fleet:Defence ministers spurned three separate deals to buy American Black Hawk helicopters which would have helped.
It's hard to disagree with David Kilcullen and Andrew Exum on the drone issue:Governments typically make several mistakes when attempting to separate violent extremists from populations in which they hide..
Enough civilian body parts to fill two tractor-trailers remained after an incident in Farah province of Afghanistan Monday, according to the NY Times today. Afghan civilians blame US airstrikes for.
Alex Harrowell has a couple of interesting posts on the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, one at Fistful of Euros and the other at Yorkshire Ranter. The point is essentially this;.
So, lot's of interesting defense news; read Spencer on the Afghanistan buildup and David Axe on the F-22. If you read the latter, please compare and contrast Axe's case for.