Ralph, in comments to the Great Gamble review: Soviet casualties and aircraft losses (reported thru military channels to the General Staff) were much lower than what is popularly believed. The.
As conditions have deteriorated in Afghanistan in the past several years, academic and military specialists have paid greater attention to the Soviet experience in Afghanistan. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.
Donny Rumsfeld, not quite lying:In his speech at West Point last night, Obama claimed that before he took office, "commanders in Afghanistan repeatedly asked for support to deal with the.
Last night, I diavlogged with Matt Duss on the subject of the Obama speech:As this suggests, I'm pretty ambivalent about the escalation.
Stephen Walt:Americans have come to believe that spending government revenues on U.S. citizens here at home is usually a bad thing and should be viewed wth suspicion, but spending billions.
I should hope that the absurdity of conservative commentary on Afghanistan is self-evident, but to summarize briefly, the Obama administration is currently under wingnut fire for a) under-resourcing the Afghanistan.
The Sun (of all papers) manufactures a controversy about . . . Gordon Brown.The time line is telling. Brown, blind in one eye and of notoriously illegible handwriting (something I.
First, I don't think that there's quite enough appreciation of this:But the choice between a mindset that says “the main purpose of the military is to scare China & Russia”.