affordable care act
Repealing the ACA would decimate the lives of musicians who rely on it to stay healthy. This is of course part of the point for Republican "governance" that is launching.
The Affordable Care Act is arguably the biggest progressive legislative victory since the Johnson administration. It's also deeply flawed and in need of update in many areas. These two statements.
The hot argument based on today's argument is likely to be the idea that the Supreme Court will just duck the question of the ACA's constitutionality using a jurisdictional dodge. It's possible, but I actually don't think it's very likely. How I read history differently...
One of the plaintiffs challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act doesn't the government has the authority to compel her to purchase health insurance. Rather, she would prefer that.
In comments, I think Pithlord gets at what legal arguments about the ACA ultimately boil down to: "In the real world, if courts never enforce a standard, then it isn’t.