actual journalism
David Axe has managed to secure a embed with anti-piracy forces off the coast of Somalia, but needs help getting where he needs to be. Drop a nickel in the.
This had slipped my mind, until I finally found it skulking in one of my Google Reader folders. Ralph Peters:Although it seems unthinkable now, future wars may require censorship, news.
David Axe is headed back to Africa, and needs funds. This time, he'll be covering USS Nashville's "soft power" deployment. I've broadcast several of his appeals, as well as appeals.
Now this, from David Axe, is a fascinating story:Susan Katz Keating posted a photo depicting, among others, “Uncle Jimbo” — one of the men behind the popular, and far-right, Blackfive.
First, David Axe is heading to Africa to do some work on piracy. As far as I know, he's not planning to become a pirate himself. This is important work,.
Lots of commentary on Bing West's attack on Nir Rosen today; see especially Ackerman and Abu M. A couple points of my own:It's obviously different in a lot of ways,.
If you're not reading David Axe, you should be. So what’s happening, and why should you care? In a world increasingly inhabited by the homeless and displaced, Chad is the.
On the front page of today's NY Times -- above the fold -- is an article about wealthy Russians and travel. It's entitled "Free and Flush, Russians Eager to Roam.