While working on my Statecraft and the State syllabus, I happened upon this Amazon review of Margaret Levi's Of Rule and Revenue:"As specialization and division of labor increase, there is.
I'll have more to say about this later, but I'm out the door for a Christmas dinner with my partner's family. Merry Christmas, Lord P.Of course, the British university system.
One possible response.
As I blame Strunk and White for adding a year to my dissertation (and thus taking a year of my life), I'm deeply sympathetic with this argument.
Mr. Trend has a thoughtful post about why he studies military dictatorships in Latin America:But studying dictatorships has a particular oppression looming over it. Environmental destruction, strike-breaking, and war all.
I normally have a post each semester about what I'm teaching. This semester I've let events get away from me a bit, but no time like the present. The courses.
Just found a couple weeks worth of research that I believed I had lost. This means, in effect, that I have accomplished two weeks worth of work before 11am. With.
I have little to add to what Rob, Dana, or Erik have offered on the subject, but I'd like to grit my teeth audibly for a moment and urge Ezra.