No, no it is not. After all, the job market for college graduates except for a very few fields is pretty terrible everywhere, at least in something having to do.
There's a forum at N+1 about yesterday's NLRB decision overturning the Brown decision and granting graduate students at private universities collective bargaining rights. Want to point you to the contribution.
As nearly every faculty member knows, student evaluations are a horrible way to measure teaching. That's for many reasons. Students are primarily evaluating teachers on what grade they think they.
Faculty at the University of Washington are considering unionizing, the only sensible move for faculty around the nation. Unsurprisingly, the Seattle Times is opposed to it. Unfortunately, from what I.
Above: And should include no more This post is probably only of interest to academics, but then that probably describes half the readership. Increasingly, universities are asking for ridiculous amounts.
Remember when Mitch Daniels, Reasonable Conservative, was a thing when pundits were talking about Republican presidential candidates? Those were good times. Well, Daniels is now president of Purdue. There have.
Above: A clearly relevant threat to 21st century higher education administrators. The administration war on faculty has reached a new low at Oakton Community College in Illinois. Oakton Community College.
Michael Bérubé and Jennifer Ruth have a very solid proposal for create tenure-track teaching positions for what would now be contingent faculty. In part: In our recently published book, The.