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Faux-Populist PUMA of the Day

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On September 12, 2008
Lynn Forrester de Rothschild.Look, if Obama is going to shed the "elitist" label he needs to stop talking so much about progressive economic policies and start distributing more free caviar at his rallies.

Three’s a Crowd

On August 13, 2008

As if further proof were required that the Fatherhood Movement is for idiots:The "Reclaiming Fatherhood” conference will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Oak Brook, Illinois on September 8.

More on The Myth of Saint Casey

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On August 8, 2008
Yesterday, Tom Maguire pointed to what he claims is an old defense of the "conventional wisdom" on the exclusion of Saint Casey from the 1992 Democratic convention (although, in fairness, his analysis is actually a little more intelligent than that.) I see no reason to...

Fanfare For the Common Woman

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On July 11, 2008
Via Jesse Auguste, the late Clinton campaign's turn to reactionary populism has produced a hilarious denouement courtesy of inevitably moronic PUMAs. A Clinton fundraiser claims on (natch) Fox News:This is a hard decision for me personally because, frankly, I don’t like [Obama]. I feel like...

McCain’s Bottom Line

On June 24, 2008

Like Publius, I don't know why the hell I keep reading Richard Cohen. Probably for the same reason some people cut themselves or compulsively pick their own scabs. But today's.

People ski topless here while smoking dope…

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On June 3, 2008
JammieWearingFool, lacking a better term: I must say, if a political hit (for lack of a better term) came out tomorrow and exploded on June 5, the irony meter would be off the charts considering the heat Clinton took for her RFK remarks.Yeah, that sure...

Shorter Karl Rove:I heard the motherfucker had, like, thirty goddamn dicks.We also learn from Rove that McCain is also, apparently, the inspiration for MacGyver:Risking severe punishment, Messrs. McCain and Day.

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