2012 Republican Primary
I think I agree with Paul's interpretation of the clip of Perry babbling nonsense about sex ed. While I agree in general that Perry isn't very bright, I think in.
If the alternative was trying to defend a wide variety of crackpot views, I'd eat popovers and run too.
Now that he has made his intention to run official, Rick Perry should be considered one of the two frontrunners for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. His selling points.
You will also remember this technique from Republican Supreme Court nominations, but apparently the new winger line is that it's a completely unfair smear to accurately quote Rick Perry's views..
So apparently the dumber version of Michelle Bachmann, accessory to murder Rick Perry, will indeed be seeking the Republican nomination. Let's hope I'm wrong about Mittens not having a great.
Given the economic conditions, anybody who can win the Republican primary has a serious chance of winning the presidential election.
It's this kind of trenchant analysis that has allowed Newt to create a juggernaut that has slightly more chance of winning the Republican primary than Jon Hunstman and slightly less.
In my latest WPR column, I discuss the old Red Dawn, the new Red Dawn, and the reluctance of the current crop of GOP presidential aspirants to focus on the.