2012 Republican Primary
You know, part of me is tempted to feel a little sorry for little Ricky. While Republican frontrunner status has fluctuated between the barely literate and people on book tours.
Herman Cain still not running for president. Some upcoming stops on his book tour will apparently be cancelled. ...Jamelle has the slightly longer version.
Again, I can't really blame the campaign journalists for pretending that the GOP nomination race is still a going concern, but for anyone tempted to think that the Union Leader's.
I understand horse-race reporters need something to talk about and there does seem to be a surge in the polls, but to say that it's now a Romney/Gingrich race is.
Cain being accused not so much of sexual harassment as sexual assault. I think we can all agree that Journolist must be guilty of something.
There are two forms of tribalism at work in the immediate Republican defenses of Herman Cain. The first is a desire to protect their vanity candidate, with some shots at.
I remember the first time I tried barleywine. I was really unusually expressive that night...
I'm not going to say, exactly, that this story affects Cain's chances of getting the nomination. I think this changes them from zero to zero. But it certainly doesn't help.