2012 Republican Primary
Pierce dissects Bobo's defense of Mittens so I don't have to.
Hopefully Paul-curious progressives heard the bit where kindly old Ron Paul noted that "South Carolina is known for their respect for liberty." This is a good summation of the kinds.
I understand that I have been admonished to not write about such trivialities, but having come across Larry Johnson interrupting his search for the Whitey Tape to give his reaction.
I'm not sure which assertion is more absurd -- the idea that Obama thinks there should be a constitutional "provision for the redistribution of wealth," or the idea that men.
This is the kind of thing I'm referring to when I say that it's absurd to deny that Romney is a mortal lock, whether he narrowly wins or loses South.
Always nice for someone to let you know right away that their analysis isn't going to be worth your time: While Romney is not yet a prohibitive favorite... Sure. Lamar!.
it turns out he's somewhat opposed, if we can interpret "social programs led to the collapse of the British Empire" and "the British National Healthcare system is a devastating program.
David Brooks has an argument that the co-winner of yesterday's caucuses is a different type of conservatism. Unlike that upper-class swell Mitt Romney, you see, Santorum offers a frothy agenda.