2008 republican primary
Made more than ably by Dana Goldtstein.It is important to remember that, although he was (like Barack Obama) right on the war and supports some other good positions (anti-War (on.
Although this is a great primary season for political junkies because of two closely contested primaries -- made more interesting because it one party none of the candidates should logically.
There are a couple frustrating elements to Zev Chafets's profile of Mike Huckabee. For example, he completely botches the discussion of the DuMond pardon, disappearing the lunatic anti-conspiracy angle that.
Mike Huckabee favored quarantining people with AIDS...in 1992. But he doesn't favor tax cuts even if they would involve ignoring court orders, so clearly he's some sort of free-thinking anarchist!
A couple of things:Melissa McEwan makes a good point with respect to Huckabee wanting to have it both ways when it comes to religion and politics. You can't not only.
"I'm waiting for pro-life voters to remember this guy named John McCain," says Yglesias. Relatedly, Tom Schaller lays out the case that McCain could be the Republican Kerry, the guy.
Partly because I think you should stick by your predictions as long as they're still plausible, I still think that Mitt Romney has to be considered the favorite to win.
Rudy Giuliani has been endorsed by Pat Robertson, which according to smart conservative commentators is a "big plus." A depressing, if unsurprising, thought. Not only is Robertson an arch-reactionary who.