2008 primaries
A parodic McCain response to the viral Obama Yes We Can video. I particularly like the signer.
Following up on D, Axe has perhaps taken it to a new misogynistic low with their newest add (and here you didn't think they could go any lower). Behold:As Jezebel.
My BHtv diavlog with Dan Drezner is up. It was distressingly congenial; I need to drink more before I do these things. And I also have to make sure that.
As my preference for Obama isn't nearly as strong as Scott's, I have no problem conceptualizing this evening as almost pure entertainment. It's so much better than the actual election,.
Susan Faludi, she of Backlash and Stiffed, is mad at the pollsters for their failure to understand American women. And she's not going to take it any more. In an.
At the time, I wasn't as convinced by Jon Chait's declaration of Hillary Clinton's electoral morbidity as I would have liked to have been, largely because I wasn't sure how.
CNN's got a story up claiming that Edwards is in for the long haul -- no matter what, he's claiming he'll stay in 'til the convention. Judging by the photo.
Whatever you think about his politics, you have got to give it to the man: he gives good speech.