2008 democratic primary
Brad DeLong makes a stronger case for Sean Wilentz's assertion that Hillary Clinton deserves the Democratic nomination than Wilentz managed, and as he says it remains highly unconvincing. Since I.
The latest in arbitrary ex post facto means of determining the legitimate Democratic nominee. And this doesn't even address the crucial point that Clinton has carried the states of the.
Huh; I wonder if putting down $2 (against $100) on Gore winning the nomination would be justified...
Wow. YouTube certainly does create entirely new possibilities for profound embarrassment.Having said that, I think Matt is being too quick to cede the large tacky middlebrow vote to Clinton, although.
In light of the too-late resignation of Clinton campaign Senior Adviser For Race-Baiting Gerry Ferraro, it's worth highlighting this about New York's new governor:With Spitzer announcing his resignation amid a.
Geraldine Ferraro refuses to back off her claim that Obama has gotten so far in the presidential primary because he is black. In fact, she's made things worse, saying:"Racism works.
I agree with K-Drum and Atrios about this Orlando Patterson op-ed. I mean, even if there was a potential racial subtext that the ad should have avoided -- and Patterson's.
The Obama campaign hits back on Clinton's allegedly extensive foreign policy "experience." (Admittedly, they don't seem to be counting the time she went to Albania with Amy Grant and Nipsey.