2008 democratic primary
Mike Lux:That the Clinton people need to get used to the fact that Obama is the nominee. All the hyperbolic "he can never win the general" and the "it's not.
As Hilzoy notes, the gas tax pander seems to have failed utterly, perhaps even costing Clinton a substantial number of votes. I take some comfort in the notion that voters.
The predictions part of my diavlog was lost, but I think I predicted Clinton +10 in Indiana, Obama +7 in NC. Overs? Unders?
Hilzoy:Clinton is presently making a big deal about the fact that she is "a fighter". After this primary season, I don't think there can be any doubt about her willingness.
Walter Shapiro asks "Whose fault is the Clinton-Obama stalemate?" The article then more or less argues that although Clinton's campaign has been egregiously incompetent, Obama's campaign has also had a.
Jerome Armstrong:But, rather than be content with calling out a math error, Markos has to up the ante audacious to demand we "count the count the Michigan "uncommitted" votes for.
Ang Lee speaks out against proposed Tory legislation that would deny the usual Canadian tax credits to "films and videos deemed offensive to the public." (In fairness, if it would.
I guess my prediction today will be...Clinton by 13.