2008 democratic primary
Apparently Clinton has won outright. Basically a the worst plausible outcome from my perspective; Clinton wins despite expectations of a loss, Edwards obviously can't win the nomination but is strong.
One does indeed hope that should Clinton go on to lose the primary it would have the salutary effect of permanently discrediting Mark Penn. (Although, alas, always losing competitive campaigns.
The Clinton campaign is arguing that Obama is too "progressive" for their tastes, with a little too much background in community activism. Indeed. Obama just doesn't have the Joementum! for.
An important piece by Charles Peters about Obama's work in the Illinois legislature, including working to compel both houses of the legislature into passing a law requiring videotaped confessions --.
Mark Schmitt gets this exactly right:As an observer of politics, and commenter on it, I almost entirely share Krugman's and Edwards' diagnoses. I appreciate the conflictual nature of politics. I.
Reading about his disgusting ongoing smears of Obama, I can't say I'm any less broken up about Wanker Caucus President Bob Kerrey deciding to abjure a potential return to the.
While waiting with djw for a train to D.C. in Wilmington this afternoon -- alas, we weren't able to tour a screen door factory -- I noticed that a Democratic.
Responding to Sean Wilentz's attempt to analogize Obama and Clinton to Stevenson and JFK, respectively, in 1960 I think Matt has the correct response:Meanwhile, the reality of the Kennedy Administration.