2008 campaign
So saith some cornhole representative from Iowa:An Iowa Republican congressman said Friday that terrorists would be "dancing in the streets" if Democratic candidate Barack Obama were to win the presidency.Rep..
Althoug Uncommitted doubled him up, Alan Keyes prevailed in a tight race with Duncan Hunter last night and probably dealt a knock-out blow to Rudy Giuliani's campaign. He spent pretty.
So Grover "Drown the Government in a Bathtub" Norquist looks forward to the possibility of depicting Barack Obama as a "shady Chicago socialist" in the general election. An impressive and.
This one from the Times' choice, John McCain (via the Daily Women's Health Policy Report): On the issue of appointments to the Supreme Court, McCain mentioned that Sam Brownback would.
Among the many, many disturbing moments in Sicko (and there were many), of the most enraging for me was among the least graphic: the moment when Moore indicates, with thought.