In a rare case of me being with the winning team, the winner of THE VICIOUS INSTAPUNDIT BLOGROLL CONTEST at MaxSpeak has been announced, and the winner is: InstaPundit. Let us first.
Warning: The following is long, rambling, inconclusive and pointless. Read at your own risk. Most of you have probably figured out that Rob is the Guns and Scott is the.
Juan Cole points out what should be obvious to everyone; that Iran is seeking, and is likely to acquire, a great deal of influence in the new Iraq. Some people like.
About the merits of Elk Grove v. Nedow, I would say briefly that 1)the standing analysis that allowed the Court to duck the issue isn't very convincing, but was probably politically.
I saw Supersize Me, a very fine movie, last week. One of the film's most-praised segments involves an interview with a Reason editor (Jacob Sullum, I think) wondering when it would be socially acceptable.
Not much time to post. A few thoughts from Colorado. 1) Running and drinking cheap red wine, when done excessively, can cause significant problems. They cause those problems much, much.
Kevin Drum is tentavively, sort of predicting that maybe the Dems might take back the house. Then he has the audacity to say "you heard it here first." Obviously, he's delinquent in.
Let's be frank, the Reagan worship is getting annoying. I know it'll run its course eventually, and I have to be patient. Last night I was at the gym, and.
- Because it’s wreckable
- Congestion pricing is extraordinarily effective public policy
- Trump’s Attorney General-Designate is an election denialist and Constitution denialist
- Should 7 Year Olds Get Time for Lunch? Opinions Differ
- Ceasefire
- It Begins
- The party of evil
- All of the Names
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,800
- Events from Seoul