Showing a complete lack of originality, I'm following up my Nader post with another classic topic around here: the scribblings of that leading sociologist, David Brooks. His column today indicates.
An even better take on Linklater from Armond White in the New York Press: Everything wrong with today's movie culture can be found in Before Sunset. Not to exaggerate this pipsqueak.
Good news from Florida, which, scarily, may again be the deciding factor in the upcoming election. I confess that when I hear that Nader has suffered a setback or failed.
My admiration for Ezra Klein has significantly increased, even if the punk is nine years younger than I and has a vastly more popular blog than I ever will: Unfortunately, I.
Recently finished reading Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton. I unreservedly recommend it to just about anyone interested in the Founding Fathers and the American Revolution. Chernow is clearly sympathetic to Hamilton in.
I think that Ezra Klein has it right, and Elbert Ventura quite wrong, on Hero, the new film from Zhang Yimou. If you haven't seen it, go now. The Ventura review contains several.
We passed the 1000th Iraqi casualty today, but that's not really all that important. I, and I think most Americans, are willing to accept casualties in the service of a.
Atrios reminds me of something I occasionally forget; that Andrew Sullivan is pond scum: Sullivan was literally concerned that the "decadent Left" was plotting treason against the country, desiring to.
- Nominating RFK Jr. is an attack on the public health of all Americans
- Zuck pays Trump $25 million tribute
- Donald the Dove, the free speech president, to issue order cancelling the visas of Palestinian rights protestors
- Schrodinger’s freeze
- Pushback Works!
- No longer fit to print
- Can Trump End Russia’s War Against Ukraine?
- The Sanctions Game
- This Day in Labor History: January 29, 2009
- Apply to the Patterson School!