This is cool.
MSNBC President Rick Kaplan has a new plan for his stillborn show Tough Crowd With Tucker Carlson. In July, Carlson's unwatchable, heavily promoted wankfest ranked as the #37 cable news.
An invaluable post by Mark Kleiman, who notes that Georgia will now require government-issued photo ID to vote. Among other things, this also reminds us of the importance of winning.
A few questions, inspired by my tape deck-less journey across America. . .Is it shameful, when in South Dakota, to sit through a "three spot" of Journey in order to.
For people who don't believe in nanny-state regulation of consensual sexuality in all its forms, there can only be one priority: get Republicans out of office. Take the nominally "pro-choice".
I'm not sure that I agree with Norbizness' claim that this list (1, 2) reflects East Coast Bias really holds water. While this has certainly historically been the case (although.
Going to Mount Rushmore cost me $8, about an hour, and a fair amount of aggravation, but, hey, when am I going to be in South Dakota again?It occured to.
Timothy Burke is upset that Amanda Marcotte called arguments made by people like Benjamin Wittes that pro-choicers should "let go" of Roe "horseshit." Whether or not one likes Amanda's choice.