Unbearable Lightness

On April 15, 2005


Given the interesting comments by several friends of this blog (including Lance Mannion, Russell Arben Fox, and Ezra Klein), a few more comments in re: cultural conservatism of indeterminate contours..

If I were British. . .

On April 14, 2005


Wow.Who should I vote for?Your expected outcome:LabourYour actual outcome: Labour 18Conservative -53 Liberal Democrat 60UK Independence Party -14 Green 2You should vote: Liberal DemocratThe LibDems take a strong stand against.

Great News!

In General
On April 13, 2005
For the likes of myself, Rob, Glenn, and no doubt many other readers. MSN.com, which I'm apparently too lazy to remove as my default homepage for IE, published a front-page article on "the fastest growing jobs in the US--where qualified applicants, not the employers, have the...

Book Meme

On April 13, 2005


I am infected.You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?Jorge Luis Borges, Collected FictionsHave you ever had a crush on a fictional character?Not really. The closest.

Random Notes on Antiliberal Liberalism

In General
On April 13, 2005
Another Amy Sullivan pundit's fallacy, another firestorm. A few comments: If you want to know why Sullivan generates so many hostile responses, although she seems to be a progressive arguing in good faith, this remarkable part of her response to Matt is the key: "Most parents...


On April 12, 2005


Take a moment to give thanks for one of the finest Americans to ever draw breath.Then think about what you can do to stop the Republicans from tearing down everything.


In General
On April 12, 2005
The only reasonable response to this lecture by Don Rumsfeld is blind, sick rage. That, or gales of laugther so uncontrollable that they result in serious injury. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld held talks with the new leaders of Iraq here today, bearing warnings of government...
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