WWAKD? Who Cares?

In General
On November 11, 2006
Shorter Ann Althouse: Democrats must start answering the following question: "When will you stop being traitors?" As Glenn points out, what's particularly funny about this is that Althouse, Reynolds, Peretz et al. seem to be of the conviction that the taunting rhetoric of despots and terrorists...

Mickey of the Day

On November 11, 2006


Ah, it's been a while. Mickey:Just a reminder: Rep. Henry Waxman, the aggressive incoming liberal chair of the House Government Reform committee--who is chiding his Republican predecessors for not investigating.


Friday Cat Blogging

In General
On November 10, 2006
Henry. My wife's greatest wish is that Henry dies in his sleep sometime soon. Since we added another hungry mouth to the household, the boy has taken to spraying the front door, attacking the dogs randomly, and yowling at all hours of the night while sitting...

Hate Can Bring Us Together

In General
On November 10, 2006
Ah, finally some sensitivity to Palestinian sentiment;"If it was up to me, I would send the gay community, who insisted on celebrating in Jerusalem, to Sodom and Gomorrah," said Eli Yishai, one of Israel's deputy prime ministers and the leader of Shas, an ultra-Orthodox party that...

Give Up Already

On November 10, 2006


Brian Ulrich points out the controversy associated with the demarcation of the Afghan-Pakistani border. Unable to control more than a few square blocks of Kabul, the Afghan government is nevertheless.

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