There are plenty of free lunches in heaven.Congrats to Loomis, who had the foresight to include him on this year's Dead Pool list.At the end of July, I wrote about.
Admittedly, it's probably not quite on the level of David Hager or Leon Kass. But the Bush administration has dug up yet another anti-choice crackpot to serve as Deputy Assistant.
Shorter New Republic editorial board: "OK, we "regret" our support for the Iraq war, but not in ways that lead us to seriously question the underlying theoretical or empirical assumptions.
I see Carville is continuing his ridiculous crusade against the DNC chair who presided over a Congressional victory nobody could have plausibly foreseen a year ago. The key graf is.
The flicks I've seen in the last couple of weeks...Departed: I didn't like Departed quite as much as Scott, although he's probably right that it's the best American film thus.
. . . instead, I'm hosting the latest installment of the History Carnival at my other property.Drop by and click a few links. It's all good -- except for the.
A Republican-led panel in Missouri has claimed that illegal immigration is caused by...abortion. But I'm not sure why they're stopping there: if they banned birth control, that would really stop.
Shorter Verbatim Grover Norquist: "Bob Sherwood's seat would have been overwhelmingly ours, if his mistress hadn’t whined about being throttled." Yeah, what a tragedy that these moral giants no longer.
- Music Notes
- Trump’s assistance to Daddy Putin getting a lot of Ukrainian civilians killed
- Syria Remains Unsettled
- Trump administration: Article II makes Article I unconstitutional
- Week 7
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Scenes from Broke Dick Mountain
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,833
- Little Marco gets into screaming match with president
- “Have I Been Banned?”