This may be the single worst paragraph I've ever seen at Slate, and goddamn man, they employ Hitchens:I've been soaking my head in each side's computations and arguments. They're incredibly.
The recent hysteria about a few peripheral citations of legal norms in other liberal democracies in Supreme Court opinions has reached some kind of apex with a speaker at a.
The Patriots are, uh... pretty good.You heard it here first.
Well, to the forced pregnancy brigade, there is no difference: my uterus is nothing but a glorified storage container, holding something until it reaches its destination (birth). Now there's proof:Here's.
The heart sags at the idea of dealing with yet another case of MoDo using her longing for 19th century gender relations to create asinine, content-free negative scripts about the.
Oregon really does look like this.I'm not sure Farley would have signed off on my gig here if he'd known I'd never been to Oregon before, say, last night. The.
I know I swore that it would never be spoken of again, but the report that Dixon played knowing he had a torn ACL demands comment. My first thought is.
Farley is now the 849th most common surname in America, down 23 from 1990. The Lemieux's have apparently suffered some sort of holocaust in the last seventeen years, as they've.
- The MAGA exacta
- If you get sick it’s your fault, unless you got vaccinated, in which case it’s the vaccine’s fault
- Okay (Nork) Boomer?
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,835
- There are multi McCarthyisms a day
- LGM Film Club, Part 496: Pryor on the Mafia
- Remember “Great Power Competition?” Lol.
- The Disappearance of Mahmoud Khalil
- Election of the Day: Greenland
- Tesla and the Trump Tank