The Second Amendment on Trial

In Uncategorized
On November 20, 2007
The Supreme Court has decided to hear an appeal to the D.C. Circuit decision striking down D.C.'s handguns ban. I'll have more discussion about this later, but to stimulate discussion in the interim I'll say that 1)the most plausible interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, I think,...
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Ignorance Is Bliss

On November 20, 2007


Gainer The Gopher sez: Slappy Who?One advantage to being in Canada right now is that sportswriters are much more preoccupied with such matters as the epochal Riders/Lions tilt and much.

Borking and The Court

In Uncategorized
On November 20, 2007
I actually agree with two points that Ross Douthat makes here. First, I think that there's a tendency to assume that Roe's popular support made its upholding inevitable, but this really isn't the case. If Reagan had appointed Bork and Scalia in reverse order, for example,...

Halftime Harassment

On November 20, 2007


Well, this makes me happier that the Jets are 2-8:At halftime of the Jets’ home game against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday, several hundred men lined one of Giants Stadium’s.

July 5

On November 20, 2007


Today we started a mini-simulation for a course at Patterson. This isn't the larger spring policy simulation, but rather a smaller exercise designed to facilitate group work and presentation skills..

A Pledge To Keep

In Uncategorized
On November 20, 2007
Especially useful with Thanksgiving approaching:So why not try this for a day? If you're going to eat something, eat it. If you're not, don't. Beating yourself up about food, privately and publicly, much as you think might help you stay thin out of guilt, doesn't actually...

Season 3

On November 19, 2007


What's the general consensus on the relative strength of Wire seasons? I'm halfway through season 3, and I think I like it the best of them all so far. Then.

Surgin’ With Bill Saletan…

In Uncategorized
On November 19, 2007
This may be the single worst paragraph I've ever seen at Slate, and goddamn man, they employ Hitchens:I've been soaking my head in each side's computations and arguments. They're incredibly technical. Basically, the debate over the IQ surge is a lot like the debate over the...
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