Kentucky is the Shire?

In Uncategorized
On November 24, 2007
Who knew?The closest I have ever gotten to the secret and inner Tolkien was in a casual conversation on a snowy day in Shelbyville, Kentucky. I forget how in the world we came to talk about Tolkien at all, but I began plying questions as soon...


On November 23, 2007


The Thanksgiving feast was a total success. I followed much of Alton Brown's (and your) advice. Lots of photos taken of the delicious maple-glazed turkey, sourdough & porcini mushroom stuffing,.

Happy Thanksgiving!

In Uncategorized
On November 22, 2007
Back from Canada, but off to bucolic New England to celebrate your phoney-baloney version of Thanksgiving. In the meantime, I have to agree that while probably less destructive to political discourse Collins's columns have even less content than Dowd's...

Saletan’s Finale

On November 21, 2007


And after all that, nothing. Saletan writes two columns purporting to demonstrate not simply that African-Americans are inherently intellectually inferior to whites, but that liberals who question this finding are.

Giving Thanks

In Uncategorized
On November 21, 2007
After scurrying around to file a document with a court before the holiday, I spent the afternoon attending to the last minute Thanksgiving food shopping. The greenmarket was truly impressive today -- mushrooms, eggs, apples, turkeys, bison, root veggies . . . pretty much everything you...


On November 21, 2007


Gregg Easterbrook is, evidently, still alive and still writing, and he's still a deranged lunatic. If you listen to right wing culture warriors, you know they are adept at concocting.

On Women in Public Life

In Uncategorized
On November 21, 2007
Yglesias reports on a survey that shows we are making progress. This was the question asked in the survey: "Some people feel that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government. Others feel that women's place is in the home....
img this that imae

Ignorance Is Bliss

On November 20, 2007


Gainer The Gopher sez: Slappy Who?One advantage to being in Canada right now is that sportswriters are much more preoccupied with such matters as the epochal Riders/Lions tilt and much.

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