Why Romney Lost South Carolina

In General
On January 21, 2012
Not much has been written about The Ibogaine Effect as a serious factor in the South Carolina primary, but toward the end of the race—about three hours before the vote—word leaked out that some of Romney's top advisors had called in a Brazilian doctor who was...


In Robert Farley
On January 20, 2012
Chuck Norris edition: For my wife, Gena, and I, we sincerely believe former Speaker Newt Gingrich is the answer to most of those questions and deserves our endorsement and vote. We agree with our friend and governor of the great state of Texas, Rick Perry, when...

Anti-Choice Fail

On January 20, 2012


Some excellent news from Jessica Arons: Today, in a huge victory for women’s health, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that most employers will be required to cover.

Developing the Bench

In General
On January 19, 2012
So the recall vote against Scott Walker will happen. But progressives are really worried about one unforeseen problem: there really isn't anyone to run against Walker. The Wisconsin recall law is more of a new election than a straight recall. So Democrats need an opponent. The...

Seems About Right

On January 19, 2012


Hopefully Paul-curious progressives heard the bit where kindly old Ron Paul noted that "South Carolina is known for their respect for liberty."   This is a good summation of the kinds.

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