Some of you might not be watching football, so here's a different topic that I know moves the LGM commentariat--contemporary Chinese film. And nope. you ain't getting an open thread..
Welcome to the era of the College Football Playoffs! Finally!!!!!!! After all these years of absurdity, we finally have a semi-OK playoff season. This is far from a perfect season..
Always worth remembering the long arm of segregation academies, the private schools that opened when the South was forced to segregate. Amite School Center, like many private schools across the.
Historians 50 years from now trying to explain to people what the coverage of the election that gave us Trump was like are going to have a very difficult time.
Because that's just how stupid we've become as a nation: A group of high-level managers at the Louisiana Department of Health walked into a Nov. 14 meeting in Baton Rouge.
Fuck Elon and his Mars fixation, this is serious work on the Final Frontier: The brief documentary looks at three efforts involving alcohol and spaceflight. One is an effort involving.
Look, I have no idea what is going on with young men, except that I have a lot of contempt for them. As a guy who likes guy things myself,.
OUTFLANKED again! Thanks to Elon Musk and Donald Trump, Republicans cut $190 million for pediatric cancer research from the funding bill. Congrats to DOGE on their first victory.[image or embed]—.
- Collaboration, not acquiescence
- NFL Open Thread: Baker and Sam Edition
- Welcome to the Public Domain
- Bending the knee
- The VPN Industry is Booming in South Carolina!
- Maybe people think the economy is bad because journalists are economically illiterate
- State of the Unions
- Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 1,793
- One small victory against NIMBYs
- LGM Film Club, Part 441: Three Wise Girls