This post from Michael Asher at DailyTech has already brought predictable yodels from climate change skeptics. From what I can gather, Asher supplies -- once again -- ample evidence that he's functionally innumerate:In 2004, history professor Naomi Oreskes performed a survey of research papers on...
you’d have to be a grade A moron to question Exxon’s climate scienticianism
The gargling sound you may have heard earlier today came from deep within the throat of Noel Sheppard, who's yowling about Newsweek's belated discovery -- twelve years after Ross Gelbspan.
Steven Hayward, Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute and Weyerhauser Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, has a documentary out that claims to refute the "overall pessimism" in Al.
Great stuff from Eric Boehlert on the latest NYT hit piece on Al Gore. As he says:Where the Times went so wrong was that after it discovered there was, in fact, very little serious debate within the mainstream scientific community (i.e. "the middle ground"), the...