Cain has been receiving quite a bit of press lately as he challenges for the Republican nomination. The NYT discuss him in today's edition here, noting his strong tea-party credentials,.
This is an easy question for Represenative Peter King, current Chair of the Homeland Security Committee and defender of the Irish Republican Army, to answer: “I understand why people who.
Like Matt, I think JMM gets this exactly right:I know I've said before that Romney's profound and almost incalculable phoniness is a terrifying prospect to behold in a possible president..
Just so the consequences of Bush's veto of S-CHIP are 100% clear: it's not just that kids who need health insurance but aren't currently covered are screwed. Kids who are.
Our "new" troll Fred Jones "unhinged liberal" has managed to distill every idiotic argument commonly seen about anti-Roe countermobilization into one comment! Just for fun, let's go through every fallacy.
Tigerhawk on our masthead quote:I actually looked at the title banner of the lefty blog Lawyers, Guns and Money and realized why it is a lefty blog...The founder of that.
Probably not meaning to, James Wolcott pens the ideal response to commenter MILS:Rush Limbaugh and his fellow talk-radio troll dolls didn't "pervert" conservatism--he didn't lay siege to some maiden fair.
It's a minor example among the countless ones of the Bush administration's fiscal incontinence, but the money the Bush administration is using to fund useless abstinence-only programs and useless abstinence-only.