wingnut circle jerks
I think that Dan Drezner's effort at refuting Rick Perlstein's Khruschev-Ahmadinejad comparison is quite weak. Dan is correct to point out the dangers of historical analogy, but I find the.
I haven't seen this article cited elsewhere, but Jane Hamsher points to the inspiration for MoveOn's "Betray Us" headline, about which many an indignant fist has been shaken today.After being.
Oh, Jesus. Here we go again. Like many of the fingerpainters in Right Blogistan, Bob "Unemployment Line" Owens at Treason-in-Defense-of-Slavery Yankee is flush with self-proclaimed glory over the Beauchamp affair..
Shorter Treason-In-Defense-of-Slavery Yankee: Those idiots in the MSM can't even fact-check transparently obvious one-liners to establish their empirical validity! How can anybody take anything they say seriously? LOL!Next week: Beauchamp.
UPDATE: Matt Sanchez reports that Beauchamp's Brigade Combat Team has issued a report indicating that Beauchamp's stories have been "proven false". Sanchez hasn't given any citation for this report thus.
Megan:More generally, I think a moderate tone is a good idea in these things. Otherwise, you run a high risk of looking like a jerk when you have to admit.
The phrase "ad hominem attack" acquires new meaning... The primary evidence against Beauchamp is, uh... I'm not sure. They think he's kind of a loser, and since Americans don't do.
From someone at CU:The one thing that makes me feel OK about this, is that our faculty peers have found him [Ward Churchill] guilty of academic misconduct serious enough to.