Ben Nelson (DINO-Nebraska) signals that he will, of course, defect to Republican position, allowing Hans von Spakovsky to get to the full Senate. Of course, maybe the full Senate will vote, really, I can't even type something so implausible.
the vote fraud fraud
The great Dahlia Lithwick explains why Democrats should not vote for Hans von Spakovsky, just as he would prefer that they not vote for anything else:Von Spakovsky currently sits on.
The U.S. Attorney had to know he was in trouble with the Bush administration. What was his offense, you might ask? Corruption? Refusing to prosecute serious crimes? Hitting on Laura.
Richard Hasen has a must-read article about the "American Center for Voting Rights," which was ginned up to varnish bullshit Republican claims of widespread voter fraud and has completely disappeared. It's a classic 21st century Republican story, featuring incompetence, junk science and abuse of the...
A terrific article by Garrett Epps puts Karl Rove's pressuring of US Attorneys to pursue bogus "vote fraud" cases into the larger (and highly consequential) context of the GOP's vote.
As indicated below, I will be conferencing in Chicago this week and lecturing in Kentucky next week, so will be popping in only sporadically. The good news is that the.
Matt beat me to it, but this is a terrific article in the New York Times about GOP attempts to cover up the fact that voter fraud is a problem of minimal significance, hence depriving them of their ex post facto rationale for suppressing minority...