Supreme Court
Today's "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case actually turns on relatively narrow grounds. The problem with Roberts' opinion is that it turns on a claim that punishing the student was justified.
The Court's 5-4 decision today in Hein v. FFRF makes it much more difficult to challenge programs -- in this case, the Bush administration's decision, thorough executive order, to funnel.
Kia Franklin has a post on two new cases that make successful securities litigation more difficult. A few additional notes about the Tellabs case, which came down this week:The case.
To those who demand competent acting, I say "Vaffanculo!"I, for one, am happy that an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court is taking jurisprudential lessons from sixth-rate torture porn. What's.
The Times on the Bowles decision:If the Supreme Court, with its new conservative majority, wanted to announce that it was getting out of the fairness business, it could hardly have.
In a 5-4 division of justices I'm already sick of, on Thursday the Supreme Court overruled two precedents to throw out an appeal to a murder conviction as being outside.
As Ruth Bader Ginsburg notes, the evidence of gender discrimination in the case of Ledbetter v. Goodyear, decided today by the Supreme Court, is unambiguous:Lilly Ledbetter was a supervisor at.
I like Bill Richardson, and hope that he becomes a viable candidate in the primary. But his choice of "Whizzer White" as his ideal Supreme Court Justice in tonight's debate.