Supreme Court
Fred Hiatt is the editorial page editor of The Washington Post.The Washington Post sums up the sharp rightward turn made inevitable by the judicial nominees whose confirmation they endorsed: "the.
Marty Lederman identifies the two crucial pieces of data from the first full term of the Roberts Court. The first is that "the Chief Justice voted for the more conservative.
Jonathan Zasloff beat me to Cass Sunstein's discussion of Roberts and Alito's "minimalism," but since I'm working on and thinking about a scholarly article about it I thought I'd add.
I have an article up in TAP about the affirmative action cases and "originalism." The cases make clear that for even justices who occasionally practice it rarely gets in the.
Some further reading about today's Supreme Court decision striking down school desegregation programs in Seattle and Louisville:Echidne finds some applause for the decision and offers a critique.Mary Dudziak on the.
I should say off the top that I don't know enough about antitrust to know about the economic wisdom of the latest 5-4 pro-business decision by the Roberts Court. I'll.
Stevens, dissenting in the Seattle integration case:There is a cruel irony in The Chief Justice’s reliance on our decision in Brown v. Board of Education, The first sentence in the.
Another big day at the Supreme Court today. In addition to striking down a school racial integration plan (maybe Scott will say more on this. I'm disgusted but not surprised),.